Tuesday, February 14, 2012

iPhone Tracking App - How to Track an iPhone to Catch a Cheating Spouse


If you are in the unfortunate situation where you think that your spouse is having an affair, an iPhone tracking app is a useful tool to finding out the truth. By using a tracking app, you can easily track the location of your spouse, and verify that they are where they said they are.

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Gone are the days of expensive GPS tracking devices that you attach to your spouse's car, with an tracking software for your spouse's iPhone, you can easily track your spouse by installing an app on their iPhone versus having to install a piece of hardware somewhere on their car.

iPhone Tracking App - How to Track an iPhone to Catch a Cheating Spouse

We all carry our phones wherever we go, so having a way to track your spouse's iPhone, is by far the best way (both in terms of cost and ease of use) to track a cheating spouse and gather the evidence you need to confirm your suspicions. Whey spend hundreds of dollars on expensive GPS tracking hardware. In addition, with tracking apps, there are no monthly fees, and the software is installed directly on the iPhone.

iPHONE TRACKING APP > How do they work?

The way an iPhone tracking app works is you install it directly on the iPhone that you want to track. Once installed, the app will transmit GPS coordinates to an online account that you set up at time of purchase. This enables you to log into your account and view both historical and real time GPS coordinates of your spouse.

To view where the GPS coordinates are on a map, you simply click on the GPS coordinates and you will be directed to Google Maps, where the coordinates will appear on the map giving you an exact location of where your spouse was at that point in time. Since the app uses Google Maps to show your spouses location, you can take advantage of all the features offered by Google Maps such as zooming in or out, changing the type of map shown to a street or terrain view, find out local landmarks & businesses, and even get driving directions to the location.

iPhone tracking software is a fantastic way to track an iPhone and find out where your spouse is going. You will not find an easier way to keep an eye on your spouse and track their location in real time.

iPHONE TRACKING APP > Where to buy?

There are numerous apps available via both the app store and 3rd party iPhone app developers who have yet to get their app approved to sell in the app store. Moreover, even Apple has gotten into the tracking business, by offering a service where you can easily track an iPhone using their Mobile Me service.

Bottom line, there are a variety of apps that enable you to track an iPhone. In fact if you do a search on Google or in the App store, you will see 20-30 of these kind of apps. The best advice I can give is to determine what your budget is, and what features you want in an iPhone tracking app, then tailor your purchase based on what your budget and needs are.

For example, you might want to be open with your spouse and let them know you are tracking them for "safety" reasons, this will enable you to purchase software via the App store or perhaps use Apple's own Mobile Me service. Others might want to secretly track an iPhone, and need software that is completely hidden, and therefore your purchase will most likely occur outside the App store.

Regardless what product you choose, just make sure you know exactly what features you want prior to making your purchase decision. This will prevent you from having to go back and spend more money on more software. It's better to do the research right the first time, and get an app that matches your budget and needs.

iPhone Tracking App - How to Track an iPhone to Catch a Cheating Spouse

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