Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bonnell Spring Mattress

A sound sleep at night keeps everyone refreshed for the whole day. A good night sleep is very important for good health. For comfortable & undisturbed sleep, comfortable mattresses provides relaxation to our body and mind. In general terms, a "mattress" is a type of mat or pad usually placed on a bed or on the floor , upon which we sleep or lie down and a "spring" is an elastic object used to store mechanical energy.

The word "bonnell" itself means a kind of "spring" used in spring mattresses. These mattresses are manufactured using springs units. Steel springs are attached in bonnell spring mattress to each other with helical wire which gives strong spring structure. The better quality of mattresses provides better stability and flexibility which gives rise to the demand of the product globally for bedding products. Therefore right choice of mattress benefits you with perfect sleep system to support your spine cord of your body.

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Bonnell Spring Mattress provides wide array of its unique features that are as follows:
Most comfortable and supportive mattress. These mattresses are made by using finest raw material & ensuring extra support & comfort needed to the body. The number of spring used in making of the mattress makes the mattress more spung and comfortable. It provides enough room for free and easy movement. Most durable mattresses are offered in this industry. These mattress are engineered by skilled engineers and creative artisans.
Types of Bonnell Spring Mattress are as follows :

Bonnell Spring Mattress

Latex Spring Mattress: These mattresses are the most comfortable mattress that provides unsound and undisturbed sleep. These mattresses are made of various layers of natural latex that provides the ultimate softness to the mattress. Latex mattresses are the best mattress you will ever sleep on. Even these mattresses are recommended by Orthopedic Surgeons.

Firm Spring Mattress: The term "Firm" generally means which cannot be pressed easily. These firm mattress are especially made for the ones who want a firm surface to sleep. These mattresses benefits you in the following ways:
It Prevents back pain. It provides firm support to your body. It is more durable as compared to other mattress for it ensures air circulation valve. it provides maximum level of comfort & health.

These mattresses includes the following materials to make ever best Mattresses. Bonnel spring mattress is the most luxurious for any kind of bedding and furnishings of the bedroom complementing other ambiances where mattress are required like hotels, hospital, Resorts, Health care centers, etc.

"Best choice of the mattresses gives proper sleep benefiting you with better health & comfort."

Bonnell Spring Mattress

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Friday, April 20, 2012

How to Lose Belly Fat With Easy Way

Almost everyone wants to lose some excess fat on their somewhere in the body. For most, they're looking to lose belly fat and they want to lose belly fat fast! Most of us spend Overeating too many months, and then ahead of the first signs of warm weather to What is the time to remove the accumulation. Unfortunately, if you're trying to learn how to lose belly fat, which is not as fast as possible.

The problem most people, they encountered difficulties, how can we overlook to lose belly fat off their body. A fat belly is probably the most difficult areas to successfully remove because it's made up what is known as 'stubborn' fat.

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Your physical body is actually slightly different from that of fat in the abdomen, because we tend to store fat in the body fat and most in need of protection - the protection of organs and internal structures.

How to Lose Belly Fat With Easy Way

Therefore, your abdominal fat will do everything possible to seize it. Not a good situation in your pursuit to lose belly fat.

In order to outsmart this, you will have to work really hard. This does not mean that can not be done - and this can, of course, you need to do is to have realistic expectations of the time line to achieve this goal, and how much effort, it is necessary to the following.

# 1 -- lets talk about exercise to lose belly fat. First of all, hit the weights. When lifting, be sure you are lifting as heavy as you possibly can, as this is to raise your metabolism the highest. You want to shoot for the five to ten rep range, because this is the most appropriate metabolism.

# 2 -- get that cardio up there. Don't do hours on end though, focus on doing sprints. In fact, the better is to sprint first, then do more steady state cardio afterwards. This will help to release the fatty acids from the tissue, and then burn them off in the steady state cardio. This type of set-up can be more effectively at getting that stubborn fat off your body than doing a typical cardio session.

# 3 -- Check over that belly fat diet. Too much fat or carbohydrates calories will slow your progress, while protein, generally will help due to the fact the body burns more calories just digesting it.

There is no need to exceed one and a half grams per pound of body weight, but maintained a level is your best approach. Then, fill out the remainder of the calories and carbohydrates and fat during the exercise at other times.

The process as long as you be patient and continually push yourself in the gym, there is no reason why within time, you can't be sporting your own set of six-pack abs.

How to Lose Belly Fat With Easy Way

Schools For Medical

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

7 Ways To Get Your Body Ripped For Summer

1. Lift Weights to Build and Tone Muscle

Increasing your muscle mass and tone will accelerate body-fat loss. When your muscles grow the demand on your body's energy resources increase. Therefore your metabolism starts running at a higher rate burning more calories during rest and while you exercise.

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Muscles require a lot of energy to:

7 Ways To Get Your Body Ripped For Summer

- Fuel their normal function in rest

- To power the 3 main energy systems with ATP (Adenosine Tri-phosphate; the energy molecule), Glycogen (a string of Glucose molecules) and Adipose Tissue (Fat) during exercise

- To replenish energy stores after exercise when the muscles are drained and facilitate the sustained hyperactivity of the muscles chemistry

Bigger and stronger muscle also enhances your bodies' ability to perform and sustain high intensity exercise. This in turn can increase the potential calorie burning effect of your workout.

2. Perform Low Intensity Sustained Exercise

Have you ever noticed someone who is overweight pounding away day after day on the treadmill sweating and panting but never really getting anywhere? I certainly have. This is because of a fantastically great misconception that I can't believe still exists today: The harder you go on the cardio the more fat you burn! I'm afraid not. If you learn about the basics of the human body and how the energy systems work you find out that it is in fact the opposite.

Fat burning occurs and peaks during sustained low intensity exercise in the presence of oxygen. This means that when energy is required quickly for short or medium bursts of intense exercise ATP and Glycogen becomes the source of that energy. They can be used instantly and without oxygen resulting in a by-product that everyone has experienced, Lactic Acid. Anaerobic Exercise predominately uses these fuels during brief periods that cannot be sustained. Aerobic Exercise utilises fat as the dominant fuel because the low amount of intensity is sustainable allowing blood supply to the muscles that is rich in oxygen, fats' catalyst.

So what does this mean for all you lovely people out there? If you want to concentrate on burning fat during cardio-vascular exercise drop the intensity to a level where your breathing rate increases but you can still have a fairly normal conversation with someone. A more scientific approach would be:

Get the number 220, take away your age to get your maximum heart rate (MHR), multiply that number by 0.65 (the fat burning range) and use the answer as your target heart rate (THR) during cardio-vascular exercise. Example;

220 - 26 = 194

194 x 0.65 = 126 beats per minute (BPM)

Maintain this heart rate for 30 minutes to 1 hour to hit your peak fat burning range. If you are fit however, I'd increase it by 10 BPM as your bodies' chemistry and response to exercise are more developed.

3. Cut Out Excess Calories and Pleasure Foods

I'm not talking about dieting because to me that word sounds temporary and unsustainable. I'm talking about a sensible and attractive lifestyle change that is logical and positive. You don't need all that crap. Eating certainly needs to be enjoyable but eating in excess of what your body really needs is unacceptable 90 percent of the time. Do yourself a favour and put food into perspective.

Food only exists to fuel, nourish, maintain and rebuild the body. Humans have made eating a way of life and we let it get out of control treating ourselves constantly to food that is very high in empty calories and low in nutrition. Junk food tastes good but is that short few minutes of pleasure really worth deteriorating the function and capability of your body?

Good food tastes good. I think that there is just as much pleasure and satisfaction or even more out of supplying your body with nutritious foods as there is with eating fast foods, desserts, sugar and chocolate. If you have a great training session a healthy protein drink or a steak and salad is what you feel like because that is what is going to support the desired outcomes of your exercise routine. Lollies or candy will do nothing positive and makes you feel gross afterwards.

If you think about the big picture and you want to get the most out of your life you MUST look after the ONLY body that you have. How on earth can people justify owning an expensive car or boat or whatever, spending time and money on maintenance, repairs, supplies, services and accessories giving it the best of everything while they only supply their own bodies with sub-standard fuel? Cars and other toys are replaceable and only needed a few hours of each day. You CAN'T replace your body. You need it all day every day until you leave this world. It's your best friend and should the priority receiving everything it requires for peak performance.

I always suggest that one day a week everyone should consider letting their guard down and eating something nice and naughty but for the rest of the time you must eat healthy, fresh, nutritious varied food. It's a crime not to and will only lead you down a negative path.

Enough preaching. Here are some suggestions to help shed unwanted body-fat through your eating habits:

i. The food and exercise equation

First there is an element of experimentation. You need to find out how to balance and manipulate the equation between the food that you eat and the exercise that you perform. This can be simplified further by calling it ENERGY IN and ENERGY OUT. Increase or decrease one or the other to make your bodyweight go up or down.


- if you eat more and exercise less your bodyweight will go up

- if you eat less and exercise more your bodyweight will go down

- if you are at a point where your food intake and exercise output balance each other your bodyweight will remain the same

Work out the extent of change you need to apply to change your bodyweight.

ii. Increase your meal frequency and decrease your meal size.

If you eat three large meals a day you receive an uneven spread of calories and energy. This can affect you in the following ways:

- Slowing down of the metabolism ( the bodies total demand for energy and ability to burn it)

- A lack of energy due to the large meal gaps

- Storing of excess calories as body-fat from the large meals

- Sleeping on a full stomach again promoting body-fat storage

If you eat 5 to 7 smaller meals throughout the day all these point can be turned around increasing your metabolism and facilitating exercise and normal function.

iii. Don't eat complex carbohydrates or junk-food after lunch.

Eat foods that are dense in energy early in the day for a sustained release of energy throughout the rest of the day. As you get closer to sleeping you need nutritious foods, such as salads and stir-fried veges, lean meats and fish, that provide less energy because excess calories will be unused and stored as fat. Dinner should also be a smaller meal than it traditionally is to aid this. Breakfast and lunch should be the larger meals as they are the energy providers for your day and any exercise that you do.

iv. Drink lots of water.

Water is the catalyst for every function and chemical reaction in the body. If you keep yourself hydrated it will assist you in many roles such as body-fat loss. You can train harder and longer maintaining a healthy internal environment by keeping up the blood volume reducing pressure on the cardio-vascular system. The sodium and potassium concentrations of the muscles will remain balanced promoting healthy muscle contraction. Drinks lots of water to exercise properly and stay healthy. Adequate water supplies will speed up all the processes within the body including fat metabolism.

v. Avoid.

Pasta, bread, buns, oats, cereals, white rice, noodles, potatoes, mash, chips, pumpkin, couscous, polenta, pastry, alcohol, junk-food, snack-food, desserts, pizza, crumbed stuff, batter, oil, butter, sugar, salt, MSG, cheese, fast food and fried food especially after lunch.

vi. Eat.

Salads, vegetables, fruits and herbs of many colours. Fresh, raw, organic and cooked foods. Fish, beef, chicken, tofu, lean lamb, protein drinks and supplements.

Do what is best for your health and enjoy it.

4. Perform Your Cardio First Thing In The Morning

Perform your fat-burning cardio exercise first thing in the morning before you have breakfast. There will be no food in your system to use as energy and the glycogen stores in muscles and liver won't be utilised if the exercise intensity is low (where it should be). Glycogen is limited and will deplete leaving fat as the primary fuel. Keep yourself well hydrated with water but don't have breakfast until after you have finished your 30 minutes to 1 hour of cardio. Fat will be maintained as the dominant fuel source.

5. Cut Down Rest Time Between Sets

Weight training is traditionally performed with approximately a minutes rest between sets or even longer. I think that most people rest for too long losing potential workout intensity and other possible benefits. I recommend 30 seconds to 1 minute and often less or none!

Reasons for reducing rest time between sets include:

- Increased exercise intensity through continual muscular stimulation whilst fuel stores are depleted. Limiting rest time forces the muscles to work extra hard as their energy stores do not have time to replenish. The blood also cannot deliver oxygen rapidly enough to retard lactic acid accumulation.

- An increased cardio-vascular effect produced because the body moves continually from one exercise to another taxing the heart and lungs. So you not only facilitate muscle strength, growth and tone you also improve heart and lung fitness.

- Improved fat-burning effect with the sustained exercise during the workout and in recovery afterwards. More calories are burned training in this manner.

- Enhanced body chemistry through increases in oxygen delivery, lactic acid removal and energy repletion.

How to decrease rest time during your workout:

- Utilise agonist/antagonist supersets. This is where an exercise is performed for a muscle followed immediately by an exercise for the opposing muscle group

- Utilise pre-exhaustion supersets. This is where an isolation exercise (single-joint) is performed to specifically fatigue a muscle followed immediately by a compound exercise (multi-joint), which uses additional fresh muscles, to further fatigue the target muscle

- Perform circuit-type training where there is little to no rest for the entire workout

- Be focussed and motivated and hungry

6. Perform Sprint Workouts

Twice a week take yourself to a sports field or flat park and mark out a 100 metre length. Complete a 10 minute jog and 10 minutes of stretching focussing on the legs. Perform a run at 50%. Walk back. Perform a run at 75%. Walk back. Perform up to 10 runs at 100% walking back slowly each time to recover.

This type of intense anaerobic exercise will:

- Alter the chemistry of the bodies energy systems forcing them to work harder and faster

- Increase the basal metabolic rate (BMR) burning more energy at rest

- Change the muscle fiber composition of the muscles training them to be stronger, more powerful and able to work at higher intensities for longer

- Cause more fat to be burnt during recovery

7. Use Variety In Your Cardio And Fat Burning Program

I've talked about using variety to get the most out of your weight training and while it's not as frequently required with cardio-vascular exercise it still needs to be implemented. Instead of using the treadmill for 40 minutes every try one of these mediums:

- Rowing Machines

- X-Trainers

- Stair Climbers and other machines

- Circuit Classes

- Barbell Classes

- High Energy Classes

- Boxing and Martial Arts Classes

- Spin Classes and other group fitness activities

- Team Sports

- Dancing

- Walking, Jogging, Running

- Cycling, Swimming

- Other dynamic pastimes, games, sports and activities

Changing your routine regularly will keep your body stimulated achieving constant improvement. It's also fun and will keep you interested.

7 Ways To Get Your Body Ripped For Summer

Marketing On The Internet Tesco Insurance Private Bank

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers

The computer is one of the most important inventions in the 20th century, which has changed our lives since it was first introduced. It is undeniable to say that the computer has resulted in both positive and negative effects which must be addressed accordingly.

To begin with, the computer has contributed to our lives in many beneficial ways. The main use of computers is to help us store and organize information even tons of files within hard disk drives. Thanks to the advancement in technology, computers nowadays can process information far faster than the human brain can do. It simply means that the computer helps us work efficiently and save time. Furthermore, the computer is a good entertaining place where people can play games, watch movies and listen to music. For instance, I can watch my favourite TV show on YouTube.com with just one click, or have some fun with the Pac Man game. It is impossible to imagine our lives without computers.

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Unfortunately, one cannot deny the drawbacks of the computer. Despite the fact that computers help us, they make us dependent. Instead of thinking, people can Google the answer easily with just a few clicks. In addition, using computers too much can cause health problems such as shortsightedness, eye strain and mental disorders. Later, psychologists suggest that being on computers too much can also lead to anti-social behavior and depression, especially young people.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers

We live in the technological era, computers fill our lives with all benefits they provide and all dangers they hide. Personally, I think it all depends on how we use the given tools. In the future, the computer will be smarter, more powerful and as handy as mobile phones, which requires intelligence and creativeness.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers

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Monday, April 9, 2012

Pros and Cons of RFID Technology

I. RFID Advantages

Radio Frequency Identification provides a valuable service that is capable of revolutionizing the way companies track products. There are many benefactors of this technology: the military, retailers, suppliers, consulting firms, producers of the technology, and consumers. RFID provides companies with a better alternative to bar-coding because no line-of-sight is needed to read a pallet, a carton, or a product with a RFID tag. RFID tags also contain information on the product that is easily readable and accessible for the reader. RFID will also begin to automate company's supply chain, reducing labor costs, human error and time spent checking in products.

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In 2005, manufacturers and suppliers requesting new bids from the military must be RFID compliant on four different levels: packaged operational rations, clothing, tools, and weapon system repair parts and components. The military requires that all cartons and pallets are shipped with a Military Shipping Label which displays shipping data. The Department of Defense has created the RFID Military Compliance Solution as a way to help suppliers and manufacturers meet the military's new standards for RFID. The program is run by Avery Dennison Retail Information Services, and they were commissioned by the RFID Military Compliance Solution. Avery Dennison Retail Information Services sells the RFID tags to companies which must be affixed close to the Military Shipping Labels to comply with Department of Defense regulations.

Pros and Cons of RFID Technology

The U.S. military is saving an enormous amount of money by using active and passive RFID systems. By using RFID for communication and transportation systems in Iraq and Afghanistan, the military is able to diagnose and fix problems much faster than before. The implementation of RFID in just this area will save the military close to half a million dollars this year. The U.S. government has contracted IBM to do research on the current RFID being used currently in the military and the potential future applications for RFID in the military. The military has been successful in creating better visibility throughout their supply chain increasing their productivity and stability.

Retailers and other companies that have a demanding supply chain can gain an advantage on the field by using RFID in the supply chain. By demanding that all levels of their supply chain be RFID capable is a sizable investment. The productivity increase that follows the initial investment and implementation for companies will pay for their investment. Wal-Mart was the first retailer to use RFID in their distribution centers and warehouses, prompting many companies to follow in their footsteps once Wal-Mart's success was realized.

RFID is very successful with retail companies because it improves productivity, saves on human labor costs, and gives companies real-time visibility with all their products. RFID tags use an Electronic Product Code (EPC) which is an upgrade and a replacement for the Universal Product Code (UPC) system. "EPC has a 96-bit code that has digits to identify the manufacturer, product category and the individual item. Manufacturers obtain registration numbers & assign them to products. Each number is unique to a given item."

The cost of a tag is anywhere between twenty-five to fifty cents. In the next five to ten years it could be reduced to five cents per tag. At some point in the near future tags could fall to one cent tempting companies to use RFID tags on every product in a store. Wal-Mart says that since their stores now have RFID, it makes it easier to keep store shelves stocked allowing employees to interact with customers.

Target was able to save on their investment for implementing RFID, following in Wal-Mart's footsteps as Wal-Mart had already paved the way and suffered the pitfalls of implementing a new technology. In addition to the lower implementation costs, many of Target's suppliers had already begun preparing for the switch over to RFID assuming Target would follow Wal-Mart. Target as a large retailer knows how important it is to be able to provide real-time data on pallets, cartons and shipments up and down-stream through their supply chain.

A break-through in RFID technology was made by Intermec, Inc. in May of 2006, with new rugged and reusable RFID tags. These tags can be written thousands of times; it can handle hazardous chemical exposure, and withstands temperatures from -50 degrees Fahrenheit to 250 degrees Fahrenheit. In October of 2006, Intermec released a new version of the rugged, reusable RFID tag, including wide-band antenna that can be used on any surface in any part of the world.

RFID makes the business world seem like a smaller place, even companies like Wal-Mart who are very big and have a large integrated supply chain. RFID enables companies to be more efficient with their time and space. Companies that combine some newer supply chain technologies with RFID could see great results. Combining auto-picking with RFID would reduce man-power needed, time needed to move pallets and cartons around a warehouse, and time needed to send pallets to their proper destination. The goal of a company's supply chain should be to reduce time needed to be productive, by automating as much of the supply chain as possible. It reduces human error, and machines are capable of running twenty-four hours a day and cost less than human labor. The
application of RFID for a large company like Wal-Mart or Target, as well as smaller retail stores can ensure a better shopping experience with more in-stock items and a more knowledgeable store.

The RFID market is booming and many technological companies have gotten in the game producing RFID parts and systems. In many cases being a producer of RFID components and systems also allows you to become a consulting firm for the technology. Hewlett Packard (HP) is one of the largest companies developing RFID systems. HP's goal is to make it as easy and affordable as possible for a company adopting RFID technology. HP has experience in the RFID field, as they were one of the early adopters of the technology and have been very successful integrating it into their business. HP began with two larger clients, Hasbro (produces children's toys) and Conros (a large Wal-Mart supplier). Hewlett Packard has created two RFID Centers for Excellence, one in California and one in Taiwan, to demonstrate new potential uses for the technology, as well as how it can be implemented into a business. More centers are slated to be opened throughout the world, including Great Britain, Singapore, and Tokyo RFID Centers for Excellence.

The RFID market sits at roughly one billion dollars in 2006 and has varying estimates as to the growth potential of the market. Estimates of RFID market size in 2008 vary anywhere from .3 billion by IDC, to .2 Billion by the Yankee Group. As shown in Figure 1 in the appendix, most of the industry is made up of sales of hardware, tags, readers and other physical products of RFID. Roughly 20-25% of the market is made up of consulting work for the technology and the last 5% is made up of software for RFID. The two biggest areas firms are concentrating on are the production and consulting sides of RFID.

The biggest challenges for producers and consultants alike are the reliability and durability of RFID systems and products. It is hard to simulate the wear and tear a product will experience over time. HP has made testing RFID products one of their benchmarks, providing intense field-testing of RFID to ensure its durability and quality. A competitor of HP is IBM, who according to AMR Research is the market leader in RFID. IBM has over eleven years experience working with RFID, and like HP, they were an early adopter of RFID technology. The advantage that IBM has over HP is there world-renowned consulting services, coupled with their immense networking capabilities. IBM's services promise more results than HP's RFID systems mainly because of IBM's consulting expertise. IBM works with companies to locate the best avenues to implement RFID, attempting to maximize Return on Investment (ROI) by reducing one person per shift from manually tracking products allowing them to focus on value-added manufacturing activities. IBM also focuses on other ways to improve ROI including, offering a one-time savings of 0,000 in operating costs, continuous fabrication line operations, better customer service providing real-time information on products, and less errors and delays cause by human error.

RFID began to take off once companies like Wal-Mart and Target, and the U.S. military demanded that their top 100 suppliers must adopt RFID technology. Many suppliers were not ready for a move like this, a move that would completely retrofit their current operations at a high cost to the supplier. There were some suppliers that welcomed the change in technology and already began implementing RFID in anticipation of Wal-Mart and the U.S. military's demand that their suppliers adopt the new technology. Wal-Mart demanded that their top one hundred suppliers would need to be RFID ready by January 2005, and to Wal-Mart's surprise, twenty three extra suppliers have volunteered to make the change to RFID. There is a new generation of tags that hit the market in 2005, called the Gen 2 Standard, which make RFID more appealing to suppliers who have no RFID systems in place. The Gen 2 RFID improves on the first generation of RFID by increasing read times, increasing read ranges, and read tags more accurately.

Suppliers and manufacturers will notice the benefits of implementing RFID into their organizations streamlining parts of their operations. Return on Investment is the most important factor for a business implementing RFID. Suppliers will see their ROI increase as human labor hours are decreased, human errors are decreased and interoperability is increased. RFID increases the visibility of the suppliers so they can do their job in real time, assuring that the correct package is sent to the correct location. It also saves money in the long-term for manufacturers and suppliers because RFID will save time spent inventorying and tracking products. An advantage for suppliers and manufacturers using RFID is customization of products in a shorter period of time. Smaller suppliers and manufacturers will have a harder time implementing RFID, as costs range from 0,000 to million to implement the technology, but as costs go down more companies will adopt RFID.

RFID does have another potential benefit for suppliers that could give them invaluable information. For Wal-Mart suppliers, readers are set up at the back door so suppliers know when their shipments have arrived increasing visibility for both entities. A second reader is placed at the entrance to the sales floor so the supplier can see what is on-hand on the sales floor and in the stock room. This will allow the supplier to see which products sell better than others so that they can be replaced, and it also allows the supplier to develop more accurate sales forecasts. A secondary benefit of RFID is that the promotions that merchandisers spend a lot of money to set up are often left in the stock room for too long or are improperly placed. Now merchandisers and vendors can make sure their promotions are being handled correctly. Suppliers and manufacturers have the potential to save money on production costs, while making money on customized products.

Consumers should be the ultimate winner with RFID being implemented throughout a company's supply chain. In the long-run, stores will save money throughout their supply chain, thus bringing down costs to consumers. Consumers should also expect to find more helpful and more informative customers service with companies that have RFID. These companies now have real-time data to share with the customer. A consumer complaint about retail stores has always been that there are too many out-of-stock items; however, with RFID in place many of these stores should see a significant decrease in out-of-stock items. Having RFID tags on certain products can also make people's lives much easier, such as a microwave that is a reader and recognizes the tag of the food you put in and will automatically cook it according to the directions on the tag. It also helps environmentally because companies will use resources more efficiently, benefiting everyone. Once RFID tags are able to be used on food products it will make a recall on a certain item much easier and it could potentially save lives.

Consumers use RFID everyday and many do not realize the benefits they are receiving from the technology. Contactless payment is a developing technology, the card being used contains a tag and the payment area contains a reader. Mobil and Exxon use a "Speedpass" as their contactless form of payment allowing customers to wave the card in front of a reader to pay for gas or anything in the convenient store. Visa and Mastercard are the two biggest developers of this technology, claiming that it will benefit everyone from consumers to businesses. It allows people to have preset money on a card (either debit or credit) which decreases waiting time at check-out stands and increases loyalty to companies that offer this feature. Another use of smart cards is keyless entries, which is becoming a popular trend in America, using just a card and swipe it over the sensor to allow entry. RFID is a beneficial technology for consumers saving time and offering conveniences traditional bar codes, credit cards and keys cannot offer.

RFID contains many advantages over traditional ways of coding pallets, boxes and products. It allows for non-line of sight reading of the tag which stores all the product information. RFID reduces human labor costs and human errors through the supply chain saving companies money, as well as reducing theft in the store and warehouses. RFID can save lives as well if there is a recall and the recalled food item or product is tagged, then it would be easier to collect all the units.

II. Disadvantages

Radio Frequency Identification has been around for over fifty years, but it has been the rapid development and deployment of the technology over the last five years that has raised people's awareness and understanding of the technology. While there are many potential benefits for RFID, there are many pitfalls as well. Every level that could benefit from RFID can also reap negative rewards from the technology.

The U.S. military was one of the early adopters of the technology using it for over ten years in a limited area of their operations. In 2003 they upgraded their usage of the technology by demanding that all suppliers must affix a RFID tag to every pallet, carton and big-ticket item being shipped to the military. The biggest problem the military faces is an issue of security. With complete product information on a tag it is easy for an enemy of the United States to pull information off a tag. This could result in loss of life of U.S. soldiers or even U.S. civilians if the wrong product ended up in the wrong hands. The tags could inform enemies of potential weaknesses and strengths of our military and give them a view on how to attack us at our weakest points.

Large companies like Wal-Mart and Target who use RFID face many potential problems with the technology. RFID has no proven infrastructure making it difficult for suppliers to keep up with these company's demands to become RFID-ready. If the suppliers cannot effectively implement RFID into their business, then retailers cannot fully view their supply chain. If retailers cannot get all their information in real time across their entire supply chain, then the issues they are trying to solve will remain problems. Out-of-stock items, first-in-first-out products and last-in-last out products will still cause problems for these large retailers.

EPCGlobal is a start to an international standards body for RFID. It has yet to be approved by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and there is still not a global frequency standard. While 900 MHz appears to be the best frequency due to its long read-range capability, 13.56 MHz is still used delaying the standardization of global frequency for RFID. High costs of RFID implementation is the reason many mid-size and smaller retailers have not adopted the technology. The short-term outlook for companies who use RFID isn't impressive, although long-term benefits will be realized.

Privacy issues are the number one pitfall for RFID and retailers. As long as the tags are only affixed to pallets and cartons then the retailers would not have any specific information on the consumer. However, when RFID tag prices fall, companies like Wal-Mart and Target plan on using RFID tags on individual products which they can trace consumer's buying habits and other information consumer's wish to keep private. It was privacy issues that force Benetton to cease their pilot RFID system. They wanted to embed a tag in articles of clothing to stop theft, determine consumer buying habits and keep their inventory at an acceptable level. Privacy advocate groups such as the Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion (CASPIAN) fight companies using RFID to track consumer behavior. A study showed that up to 78% of America was against RFID based solely on privacy issues. It will be difficult for companies in the future to tag individual items without a public outcry without some form of protection for the public's privacy rights.

Consumers have the largest disadvantage of any other entities involved with RFID technology. There are five privacy issues that consumers must try to protect themselves from: Hidden placement of tags, unique identifiers for objects worldwide, massive data aggregation, hidden readers, and individual tracking and profiling. Hidden placement of tags by companies is an easy way to get information from consumers. The consumer will feel safe buying a product with no knowledge of an RFID tag embedded in their clothing. These tags theoretically could track a person around the world if there were readers in specific locations throughout the world. Personal information may also be embedded in these tags giving information as detailed as your medical history. Prada and Swatch use embedded tags in their clothing, and Benetton did as well, but a boycott of Benetton was successful and they removed their tags. There is no law against companies embedding tags, and only California and Utah have made official requests to change the situation.

Companies who use RFID can compile massive amounts of data on consumers, including product likes or dislikes, buying power or even prescription history. RFID makes it easy to amass this data and to designate correlations. If a corporation owns many stores they can combine data between companies and create new data on buying habits.

Hidden readers violate people's privacy much the same way hidden tags do. Gillette and Accenture are introducing "silent commerce" which embeds tags on people's products and readers in strategic locations without the consumer's knowledge. These companies have experimented with different reader locations ranging from secret carpet locations to shelve locations and even hidden in floor tiles. Readers could even be installed in doorways on street lights, anywhere that people have to pass through, and instantly all information embedded in the tag is broadcast to the reader. If this were to happen privacy would be impossible because you would never know if the products you have contain tags, and you never know when you are within proximity to a reader.

The disadvantages of RFID hinge mainly on privacy concerns, technological imperfections, cost of the technology and no proven way to set up an RFID system for a company. The government and corporations are the two groups that offer the most concern for privacy issues. Hidden tags and readers threaten to take away human mystery, offering a world where people see, feel and hear only what the government and large corporation want people to.

III. Future of RFID

The future of RFID is uncertain, however, the technology is here to stay. Companies have many obstacles to overcome to make the technology a feasible option to be implemented. Privacy issues and will persist, although cost for RFID systems will decrease. In order for RFID to be successful, companies must work with privacy advocate groups to develop a fair way to implement RFID without alienating their customers.

Technology will continue to develop for RFID and many new applications will be realized. Automation will be a side-effect of RFID development, in the supply chain and in everyday activities. Contactless payment methods are already available, as well as automatic keycards to open doors. RFID tags installed in cars with readers on the roads and freeways will alert the authority if you are breaking the law. Supermarkets will eventually be able to realize their shopping cart checkout system once prices fall to a more affordable price. Fresh foods, metals and liquids will all be RFID compatible in the near future. If privacy issues are not watched closely, people will become tagged and there will always be someone watching and analyzing every person's decisions.

Pros and Cons of RFID Technology

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Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Ice Cream Sandwich Vs Gingerbread

Released on November 17 2011, the Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) is set to be the next big thing in the world of Android operating systems, bringing a completely different look to Android. The ICS (Android Version 4.0) promises to be compatible with almost every Android device.

The ICS claims to be very easy to use and it certainly does have some great navigation tools and makes searching for apps and the like on your hand set so much easier, but the ICS is not the only 'next big thing' to hit the market and claim to change the ever-popular Android operating systems, because Google's Gingerbread has also recently been launched and threatens to knock the ICS off one of the highest spots on the consumer market.

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After having a detailed look at both the Ice Cream Sandwich and the Gingerbread systems I am tending to swing towards the ICS mainly because it is much easier to use and is more widely available.

The Ice Cream Sandwich Vs Gingerbread


There are a lot of similarities between the two operating systems and although this is good in some respects, it can make it hard for the consumers to decide which one is better for them.

At the moment, both of the Android operating systems seem to work well when it comes to working hard to save your battery by closing down any apps that are running in the background and they both have a newer, faster and better keyboard that works even harder to improve the predictive text function so you don't accidentally type a word that could change the whole context of the conversation and confuse things.

There does seem to be one thing that the Gingerbread is slightly better at than the ICS and that is helping you to save the battery. It will work out for you what apps use the most battery power and then its up to you to decide whether or not you want to stick with them and although this could be a good thing, it seems to me the Gingerbread system is shouting 'Look what I can do!' and using up more memory when the ICS just gets on and does its job.

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While the ICS is available on most new handsets and can be downloaded on other older handsets, the Gingerbread operating system is not as widely available and those with HTC, Samsung and some Sony devices are still waiting to use this system that has been available for months and well before the Ice Cream Sandwich made its appearance on the market in November 2011, and users of the LG, Motorola and Samsung phones are still waiting for an upgrade while the ICS continues to flourish.

Although the Gingerbread operating system does work well and makes an effort to save battery power, it's availability is lacking and by the time the makers decide to make it more widely available, the Ice Cream Sandwich would have found its way to many more mobile devices and made even greater improvements while the main ingredients are still being added to the Gingerbread.

The Ice Cream Sandwich Vs Gingerbread

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